Speed of Light
Praise photos Praise God
Praise videos Praise Allah
Praise the digital compilation of syrup hate
The fog of thought that feels no poison because it’s so remote
So barren so timeless and so full of everything
Any thought can mean anything to anyone’s life or death
Indifference and distance taken in small doses doesn’t matter
Dudn’t madder ta me dudn’t madder to me madder to me.
Matter equals E divided by C2
Matter equals my right or your wrong am I am I?
Right or am I wrong sing a song
Shoot a head drop dead for God wants heads to drop
To unthought thoughts to unlived possibilities to undreamed dreams
To unparaded merrygorounds to
Bust out of the cosmos, bust out of the head bust out of the rule
Take a picture send it pixilated it spread like disease butter and bread
Shock it and awe it and flush it down the throat and excrete it on tv
Where it is eaten by some and used by others as paint to adorn the face