Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Labor-Anti War Coalition Jan 27

The coalition between the anti-war movement and labor against the war staged a powerful protest at the historic San Francisco docks to demonstrate solidarity against Hornblower's union busting tactics. Speeches by SF labor leaders and anti-war activists. 56 minutes

brightpathvideo - labortech co-production

Monday, January 29, 2007

Legal Issues Surrounding Elder Abuse, Part 2

Marin's Center for Judicial Excellence’s forum Jan. 25 exploring legal issues surrounding elder abuse.
Speakers include Alameda County Superior Court Judge Julie Conger, Marin Chief Deputy District Attorney Kathryn Mitchell, Elder Financial Protection Network executive director Jenefer Duane, San Francisco civil rights attorney Liza de Vries and Legal Aid of Marin executive director Paul Cohen.

Legal Issues Surrounding Elder Abuse

Marin's Center for Judicial Excellence's forum Jan. 25 exploring legal issues surrounding elder abuse.

Speakers include Alameda County Superior Court Judge Julie Conger, Marin Chief Deputy District Attorney Kathryn Mitchell, Elder Financial Protection Network executive director Jenefer Duane, San Francisco civil rights attorney Liza de Vries and Legal Aid of Marin executive director Paul Cohen.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Singing Bowls at Burningman

there's a story behind this....being in the right place at the right time and the solemnity of the situation helped.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Clapper Rails at Gallinas Creek Jan 20, 2007

On January 20, 2007 at N W 122. 31.32.7

John Parulis of continued with a detailed video documentation of California clapper rail sightings across from the proposed site of an indoor monster sports complex on the north fork of Gallinas Creek in San Rafael, California.

This day saw the furthest eastward movements of the elusive birds across from the busy, mysterious excavation of an overflow pump house at the airport/proposed soccer site.

The recent appearance of a new array of bright landing lights for the airport runway (the runway runs adjacent to the proposed soccer complex) is provocative. Concerned neighbors’ emails to San Rafael officials about this activity have so far gone unanswered.

for more info

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Ex-communist functionary, Stari from Crimea in an interview before the US invasion of Afghsnistan.

From an interview with Crimean bee farmer and former communist party member Stari. On the fate of post Soviet communism and the US invasion of Afghanistan. October 2002

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Birth of Rain

The Birth of Rain

Bathes small birds, fills tropical oceans, washes away bridges, nurtures red flowers, sparkles on green grasses, pulls down great hills, pushes over houses, refreshes fawns, feeds algae, grants puddles to children, cleans the whole earth body, makes wet leaf carpets, sings on tin roofs, hisses (steams) on summer sidewalks, halts baseball games and picnics, rushes rivers, breaks high stone walls, brings people together in doorways, all this great imagining, born vast in eternal mind.

God Owns

God owns Bosnia. God owns Persian cats and dark chocolate. God owns plutonium. God owns rainbows. God owns polyester. God owns stained glass windows. God owns rats and cockroaches. God owns poodles. God owns capitalism and communism and corporate raiders and God owns Rhinocerous water pistols. God owns orchids and pansies. God owns boils and Hunta virus. God owns all my clothes. God owns Tammy Faye Baker’s mascara. God owns Imelda Marcos’ shoes. God owns automatic weapons. God owns orgasms and herpes. God owns my lovers lips and tongue and my clitoris. God owns Kleenex and styrofoam. God owns oil tankers, poisoned birds and boogie boards. God owns shetland ponies. God owns razor blades and Prozak. God owns all the trees everywhere. God owns the Oxford Unabridged Dictionary and all the words in it. God owns particle accelerators. God owns black holes and jelly donuts. God owns all the alligator pocketbooks. God owns bells, church bells, dinner bells, school bells, sleigh bells, Taco Bells. God owns geese honking, crows cackling, cranes taking flight.

Samantha White

Speed of Light

Speed of Light

Praise photos Praise God
Praise videos Praise Allah
Praise the digital compilation of syrup hate
The fog of thought that feels no poison because it’s so remote
So barren so timeless and so full of everything
Any thought can mean anything to anyone’s life or death
Indifference and distance taken in small doses doesn’t matter
Dudn’t madder ta me dudn’t madder to me madder to me.
Matter equals E divided by C2
Matter equals my right or your wrong am I am I?
Right or am I wrong sing a song
Shoot a head drop dead for God wants heads to drop
To unthought thoughts to unlived possibilities to undreamed dreams
To unparaded merrygorounds to
Bust out of the cosmos, bust out of the head bust out of the rule
Take a picture send it pixilated it spread like disease butter and bread
Shock it and awe it and flush it down the throat and excrete it on tv
Where it is eaten by some and used by others as paint to adorn the face


Monday, January 08, 2007

Dr. Megavolt

Dr. Megavolt performs at BurningMan 2006
Visit Megavolt here

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Eliane Lust Plays Debussy, L'Isle Joyeuse

This enchantingly beautiful piece is played on an original Erard
more about Erard here
Visit Eliane's site too

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

California Clapper Rail Pair on January 1, 2007

The elusive clapper rail sighted again in front of the proposed monster sports complex
on the north fork of Gallinas Creek in San Rafael, CA 10.55 min.